

Below is a selection of my garden pictures, including my fruit and nut trees.  I have not been known to have a green thumb.  I prefer hardy crops.  But, always in the idea of eating more healthy and saving money, I have learned to put more energy into my garden.  This is my photo chronicle of my successes and failures and what a Sacramento garden can look like at different times of the year.  Also included are indulgent pictures and sometimes stories of our family's treasured pets.

GARDEN (and some gratuitous pet pics)

Garden Pictures - March, 2010
Garden Pictures - August, 2010
Garden Pictures - January, 2011

 PETS (of their own accord)

Dedicated to Earl
Our Newest Family Members...Arf, Arf!
A New Family Member, Mowr!
Gratuitous Pet Pictures - I
Another New Family Member - Mew, Mew!
Dedicated to Sparkly
Dedicated to Charlene
Easter Egg Hunt for Dogs - 2014
New Family Members: Glub, Glub and Rowrff!

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