
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Simple Avocado Tacos

Like their name says, these are really simple tacos.  But, there is a cute, short story that goes along with this meal, so I have to share it with you.

A few years ago, a good friend of ours (she and her husband are JK's godparents), had my children and I, and another friend and her son over for a play date and lunch.  She is not strictly a plant-eater but very well could be because she always makes some awesome vegan dishes.  Do you know any people like that, who are so health-conscious and would make the transition so easily but just don't?  Anyways, she made these tacos by slightly blackening corn tortillas on one of her burners, spreading refried beans in them and adding sliced avocados.  She put out rooster sauce for everyone to enjoy.  Now, I am a fan, a big fan, of rooster sauce, but my eyes popped out when I saw her slather it on her tacos.  It was like a little kid with a plate of fries and ketchup. And, then she proceeded to delicately munch on each taco.  My mouth would have been pleading for something cool to drink.  Well, the kids were all at another table, so we moms could somewhat hear each other talk.  My SR reached over to grab a pitcher of lemonade to refill her glass when she accidentally spilled it all over the kids' platter of tacos!  All of the children reacted differently, but they were determined to not let those precious tacos go to waste.  My friend's son diligently picked one up from the platter, took a bite, and very emphatically said, "These lemonade tacos stink!"  See, inadvertently SR created a brand new taco: lemonade tacos.  Despite being drenched in lemonade, that platter of tacos was quickly eliminated, and grabby hands made their way towards the moms' sacred stash.

Now, I make these tacos, and, of course, we have to recount the original lemonade tacos every time.  If you are feeling especially brave, you may try your hand at adding fresh lemonade, and let me know if they stink for you, too.  By the way, don't let the simplicity of these tacos fool you: they are amazingly delicious!

Simple Avocado Tacos


1 - 29oz. can vegetarian refried beans
20 or so yellow corn tortillas
3 - 4 avocados, sliced
 Rooster sauce


Pour the beans in a small pot and warm over medium heat.  Heat a stove burner on medium heat.  (My friend has a gas burner, and I have a flat, electric burner, and they both work fine.)  Place a tortilla directly on the burner, until there are a few darkened spots.  With tongs, flip the tortilla over to the other side.  Each side should take 30 seconds or much less, depending on your burner.  Place each tortilla on a cookie sheet, when done, and spread a tablespoon or two of beans on one side.  Place two or three slices of avocado on top of the beans, and fold other half of tortilla over on top.  Serve with rooster sauce.  So good.  Feeds five hungry vegans.


  1. Lemonade makes for quite the condiment. The more avocado on any meal, the better!

  2. Well, lemon in guacamole is good so I guess it isn't too much of a stretch! My kids have had to (unwillingly) eat a drink soaked meal a time or two. ("I told you to quit goofing off; now you have to eat it.") Interesting with the burner thing. And I don't know what rooster sauce is!

  3. I've never heard of rooster sauce? I like the simplicity of those tacos. Beans and avocado? How could you go wrong?

  4. FF, I agree on both counts!

    Jenny, I've been there with my kids too. :-) Rooster sauce is my family's term for sriracha sauce. And, it's easier to spell too!

    Carissa, rooster sauce is what my family calls sriracha sauce. I said in a post several months ago that I was going to stick to that term. :-) Beans and avocados are a great combo!

  5. Cute Story! Those simple tacos sound right diown my alley. I just think I might have to try lemonade with them too! :o)

  6. I am not sure what rooster sauce is, but I like the simplicity of these, avocados don't need much, they are perfect as they are :-)


  7. Michelle, I think you'd like these. :-)

    Alessandra, rooster sauce is our term for sriracha sauce. Avocados are great.

  8. Awww, rooster sauce, now I remember.

  9. I love food memories :) Thanks for sharing, Blessed Mama! I bet these simple tacos are really good ... I always overload mine and it's tough to taste everything.

  10. Sounds like a chaotic scene. I'd have had to spike the lemonade to get through it.
