
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Brown Rice topped with Caramelized Onions, Garlic and Tomatoes

This is such a simple recipe, but the end result feels so gourmet.  It's a nice way to snazz up the home kitchen.

Brown Rice topped with Caramelized Onions, Garlic and Tomatoes


1 cup of uncooked brown rice, prepared according to package directions
1 Tbs. olive oil
1 red onion, halved and sliced (both halves)
5 garlic cloves, sliced
1 tomato, diced
Salt and pepper to taste


When the rice is nearing its end cooking time, heat the oil in a large skillet on medium heat.  Add the onion when oil is hot, and cook for at least fifteen minutes, until the onion starts to turn color (past the translucent stage).  Add the garlic and cook for two more minutes.  Add the tomato and seasoning, and turn off the heat.  Serve over the brown rice.  A taste bud treat!  Feeds five hungry vegans.


  1. Oh, so simple but so good & healthy! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  2. Anything with garlic and caramelized onions is going to be so good! Spot on.

  3. It used to be a can of Olives in everything, now it's Garlic. Did you buy a share of a Garlic operation or something?

  4. Sometimes it's such a surprise when a simple recipe yields a gourmet result. This looks like one of those recipes.

  5. This looks so simple and tasty - I love cooked fresh tomatoes. And I hope if I ever have kids, they like garlic as much as yours do.

  6. FF, thank you!

    S.V., what can I say? I'm obviously a woman of mystery.

    Andrea, thanks, and I love it when gourmet only costs a few cents too!

    Jessica, I like fresh tomatoes that aren't over cooked, except for some sauces. I don't know how my kids really feel about garlic, but they eat it anyways. :-)

  7. Definitely sounds like a gourmet combo of textures and flavors. I like how you added the tomato in at the end, so it retains a freshness, and five cloves of garlic...way to go!

  8. Thanks, Rose. I like it, too, because it's basically a healthy dish. I love tomatoes and garlic - can't go wrong there.

  9. My fave recipes are the most simple at this point. I have SO many books and I find I usually just make something easy, and the books are more like entertainment!! Kind of macrobiotic.

  10. Get Skinny, I agree with you - sometimes simple is so attractive when you're tired or just don't feel like eating a complicated meal.

  11. That looks so delicious! And couldn't be easier......

  12. MMMM looks delicious! I wanna eat the garlic, onions and tomatoes with those home fries from the post below!

