
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Holiday Classics...Mostly - 2014

Hello, Everyone!  It is so good to be back on here.  I will not bore you all with what's been going on - it's been a lot, and I've been challenged in my personal life in more ways than I ever thought I would.  The challenges continue on, but it has been on my mind for so long to put up a post that I'm making a point now to do so.  This blog is a way for me to express myself with just the pleasures of my life, a bit of me that I get to share and to make friends in the process.  I will never abandon this blog without informing you first.  I don't know how many have or will stick around, but for those who are reading this, thank you.  I can't promise you timely posts in the new year, but it is my hope to be consistent.  I have posts that I still want to write from this year, so even though they will be out of date, I hope that I can still put them up.  Anyhoooowww, on with the food.

I am combining Thanksgiving and Christmas into one post, so this will have food galore.  I hope everyone's holidays have been good and that this new year brings you blessings.  I pray that 2015 brings peace and harmony into my life, as well.  And good eats!

Okay, I'm just going to show the pics, provide links, and tell you what we ate.  What did you guys eat this year for the holidays?

My Thanksgiving dinner plate.  The bowl is holding hot and sour soup, and on the plate clockwise is: roasted asparagus, soy chicken and tofu, tofurky and roasted veggies with gravy.  

Dessert: SR picked vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce, GR picked Black Tie Cheesecake, and JK picked chocolate chip cookies.  I'll get a recipe out for those cookies.

Christmas breakfast included: Breakfast Potato Skillet ...

 Tofu Scramble...

  and this year's Christmas cookies and Happy Birthday, Jesus Cake, which was a Costco apple pie.  The cookies are Gingerbread Bears, Tiger Stripes, and Pecan Pie Cookie Cups.  Recipes for the first two cookies will be forthcoming, if you are interested.

JK delivered our annual Christmas cookies to the firemen.

For Christmas dinner, I brought Tofu, Brussels Sprouts and Peanut Stir-fry to share and

A lot of my family provided vegan dishes for us this year.  On my plate clockwise is: fried cabbage, cold green bean salad, a Gardein roast with gravy that I bought for my family, my mom's rendition of Aunt Versey's baked beans (an annual offering), my stir-fry, fruit salad and olives.  This was the fullest plate we've ever had at a family gathering.

The fun carried through dessert.  My aunt made my grandma's recipe for boysenberry cobbler.  See the yellow triangle in the corner?  Read in the pic below what it says.

A vegan corner just for us.  The glaze had butter in it; other than that, the whole cobbler was vegan.

My dessert plate: the cupcakes I brought, my mom's pineapple dump cake and her fruitcake, and my aunt's/grandma's boysenberry cobbler.

It was an awesome food season.  I hope yours was just as tasty.  Hopefully, I'll put up a post by next week and start to catch up.  Until then, Happy New Year.


  1. You out did yourself on those great holidays...everything looks fabulous and it has made me hungry, so I grabbed a bowl of gluten free Chex cereal & milk with cranberries. I stopped the blog because much of my life was being consumed by it trying to make recipes. I needed to go forth and devote more time to Christ and all my church duties. I had a great Christmas with my son and his family. I hope the new year brings peace, comfort, good health and lots of spirituality. I don't know what your going through, but I will pray for you...God bless my friend. I will check your blog often and you are thought of on this end. I wish you all the best.

    1. Millie, it sounds like you have a great plan for yourself. I wish you all the best.

  2. everything looks so delicious! happy new year! xoxo

  3. So SR, GR and JK are accounted for... no mention of G. Quite the mystery. Glad you are back anyway. I missed your yearly Thanksgiving post where everyone gets to pick what they want and actually get to have it.

    1. Don't fret, G is still in the picture. The kids picked their dishes as usual - SR picked the soup, and JK picked the tofu and soy chicken. G and I filled in the rest.

  4. Vegan "corner"? 😂 that's so nice! And so small. Was the corner big enough for all of you? So great that others brought vegan dishes. I'm glad your back. Ever since I had a good blogging friend pass away unexpectedly, I worry.

    1. Oh, my, so sorry to hear that, Jenny. That would be the only reason I wouldn't come back to the blog to let you guys know something happened...if I couldn't in some way. I felt guilty leaving it for as long as I did, but it really couldn't be helped. And, yes, my gang had plenty to eat that night. Did you have good holidays?

  5. Happy New Year! All the dishes look tasty. The cinnamon rolls especially look yummy.

  6. Welcome back! I thought at some point you had left the blogging world. Things can get crazy sometimes but like you I do love my little blog corner. You've got some really superb meals going on there! It's been ages since I made a tofu scramble. Looks delicious!

    1. Lovlie, I haven't left it, but I'm slowing down. There is too much going on in my non-virtual life. :-)
