
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Graham Cracker Bar

I made a graham cracker bar for dessert for my family, and they all loved it!  G said it wasn't mustache-friendly, but that didn't stop him from chowing down.  I made this once before, but it was a few years ago.  The response was so positive, we'll have to do this again sooner rather than later.  You can look for Nabisco Original graham crackers for a vegan choice, or my store (Raley's) has their own chocolate graham, which is vegan.  Either way, everyone got to top their crackers just the way they wanted them, and it was fun to boot!

 Graham Cracker Bar:  Chocolate graham crackers (Raley's brand), homemade chocolate and vanilla frostings, vegan chocolate chips, two type of sugar crystals and white sprinkles, shredded sweetened coconut, bananas and strawberries.  The crackers had corn syrup, and the pink sugar crystals had coloring; other than that everything else was natural and free of colors and artificial flavors.

Here are my two crackers and my quota of sweetness for a month!  On the left, a cracker is smothered with chocolate frosting and has bananas and strawberries and white sprinkles.  On the right, a cracker is smothered with vanilla frosting and has coconut, chocolate chips and more white sprinkles.  Flossing is a must to get rid of those sugar bugs!

Graham Cracker Bar


Vegan Graham Crackers
Various toppings - We used: 
Homemade chocolate frosting
Homemade vanilla frosting
Vegan chocolate chips
Pink sugar crystals
Blue sugar crystals
White non-pareil sprinkles
Shredded, sweetened coconut
Chopped bananas
Chopped strawberries


Lay everything out in a fun, accessible way.  Grab a cracker, and get going!  Feeds five hungry vegans in this house!  Yum.


  1. This looks like so much fun, and so tasty! I will have to do at my next gathering!

    1. Sounds like a great idea, especially for grownups!

  2. Funny, I never topped my graham crackers with anything...maybe that's why I always thought they were boring.

  3. You. Are. A. Genius! Graham crackers are one of my favorite snacks of all time, I love the Nabisco original grahams. Making a topping bar is such a cute and creative idea and your toppings all sound delicious. I am definitely going to have to do this in the future! Your creations look delicious.

  4. Good clean fun. Don't forget PB as a topping option.

    1. I thought of that afterwards, but maybe that's more of a "healthy" snack, not so much dessert? Ah, who knows - the more toppings the merrier.

  5. When I first saw your post I thought you had made the graham crackers! Now I see you bought the crackers and added the fun. :)

  6. That looks so awesome - what a fabulous idea :-)

  7. This is such a clever idea! Thanks for an awesome thing for our family to chat and snack over :)

  8. I love the phrase 'moustache friendly'! I bet this is the sort of thing that would go down a storm at a kids party too - loads of sticky hands ready to help out! (more likely though I'll just make enough for me at home!)

    1. This is a great birthday idea...if the birthday kid is willing to give up cake, erp!

  9. Ohhhh!!!! I love this. We will do this soon.

  10. pretty nice blog, following :)

  11. missed you my friend...hope everything is well. God Bless.

    1. Everything is well, thank you, Millie. Just got behind is all. :-)
