
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dedicated to Sparkly

Our beautiful kitty Sparkly passed away yesterday.  She showed up on our lawn about thirteen years ago and never left.  She was a tough kitty, preferring to stay outdoors and pick fights rather than being pampered indoors.  She tolerated brief visits indoors but was always grateful when she was let out to enjoy the sunshine and grass.  Everyone thought she was a Scottish Fold because of her ears, but they were just deformed in fights.  She hated all other animals but loved her people friends and family.  Over the last several months, we could tell that she was aging rapidly and brought her permanently indoors.  She eventually adjusted to being cared for around the clock and was surrounded by her loving family and held in our arms as she took her last breath in our living room.  Her final resting place is in our beautiful garden area.

We loved you and will miss you, sweet Sparkly.

Love from your family.


  1. oh i'm so sorry to hear! she was a beautiful kitty and very lucky to have such a loving family care for her.

    1. Kelli, thank you. She was so beautiful; it was hard to imagine her tough side.

  2. To Sparkly! She was a lucky kitty and she knew it. My sympathies to you and your family for your loss. It's so hard to lose our beloved furry angels.

    1. Andrea, thank you, and I know how well you know this kind of loss.

  3. so sorry for your loss...your kitty was a cutie and she looked like our Waffle. our Waffle never went out but I day she escaped and we couldn't find her. the next morning she appeared at our back door with a large puncture wound on her belly. the veterinarian called to tell us that she had passed away through the night. Waffle was a loving calico cat. we miss her.

    1. Millie, it's so tragic when something terrible happens to our furry creatures like that. Sorry to hear about Waffle.

  4. I really postponed reading this.... I am just heartsick at the loss of your kitty. I know how much she was loved by your family. I am so sorry for your loss.

    1. Brandi, that's so sweet of you. She was loved, and we can visit her every day now.

  5. My sympathies. It was good of you to take her in when she was so vulnerable.

  6. Oh no! :-( i'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Its hard when our pets pass away - they truly do become part of the family.
    We also bury our animals in our yard - its so personal then xxx

    1. Thank you, Sandy. Yes, we can all visit their spots whenever we want now.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.
