
Friday, April 5, 2013

Dragon Breath Sandwiches

I have made so many sandwiches that I think only I will like, full of odds and ends, strange bedfellows, spicy toppings, and I munch them down, much to my taste buds' and tummy's content. No one else in my family will touch them.  I've thought about posting them, but then I think no one would ever want to make these but me.  However, I've grown bold with my last experiment and choosing to be vulnerable, I'm showing it to the world!  This is me, the real me, the funky sandwich lovin' girl.  I'm going to show my true colors with sandwiches from now on.  I hope you can appreciate them, if not, more for me.  First up: Dragon Breath Sandwiches.

Dragon Breath  Sandwiches


Thick brown bread
Yellow mustard
Seitan (simple recipe below)
White onion, sliced in rings
Good and spicy natural dill pickles, sliced in circles
Sliced pickled jalapenos


[For the seitan, here is a simple recipe:

2 cups gluten flour
2 cups water
1/4 cup soy sauce

2 Tbs. canola oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Mix all the flour, water and soy sauce in a large bowl.  It comes together quickly.  Knead just a few times to ensure that there are no dry spots.  Shape into a loaf-like mound.  Wrap in aluminum foil several times, making sure there are no gaps for the seitan to squeeze through.  Steam for one hour.  Cool enough to be able to touch and slice it.  In a large pan, heat the oil over medium heat.  Slice the seitan into "thinnish" strips or slabs.  When oil is hot, fry the seitan for about ten minutes, until browned, stirring occasionally.  Season with salt and pepper.  When cooked, dab off on paper towels to remove any excess oil before making your sandwich.  You can definitely make this seitan ahead, even by a couple of days, and just have this on hand to  use.]

On each slice of brown bread, spread your yellow mustard thickly.  Add as much of the rest of the ingredients to your liking, the only requirement being that the end result is sloppy and the flavors mix joyfully together.  You know you'll like this sandwich, if your taste buds are tantalized while reading this. Technically feeds five hungry vegans, but only one will eat it, sigh.


  1. I think I need to pickle some jalapenos immediately! Your sandwich sounds very gratifying and I can't imagine why the other four will have none of it. Perhaps give them mayonnaise instead of mustard. :D

  2. Sounds good to me! I am a lover of sandwiches too. The name you gave it makes me chuckle :)

  3. Andrea, you can buy them jarred already right next to the other peppers by olives and pickles and such. We were actually out of veganaise that day, so that's why it became extra mustardy, but I really liked it anyway. :-)

    Steven, glad you liked it. I wonder if my breath that day would have made you chuckle, too? :-)

  4. It took me a minute or two to work out why they're dragon's breath sandwiches! They sound good to me, though - I'll just make sure to eat them next time I'm due to meet someone I don't like!

  5. I think it sounds good and looks amazing. Thanks for sharing and I'll be sure to have a breath mint handy if I try it. :)

  6. Joey, or you could make an interesting friend and share! :-)

    Diane, ha ha, you don't want to smell like a dragon?

  7. While I love all of your food, this speaks to my stomach, as I am also a strange bedfellow sandwich eater as well. I like things like ciabatta toasted with horseradish mustard, tomato, crunchy pickles and

  8. Brandi, hey, that sounds good to me, too - although I'd skip the horseradish part. I'm not a big fan of it. I'd use another spicy mustard. :-)

  9. I'm all for this sandwich. Except maybe the jalapeƱos, but I've never eaten many jalapeƱos so maybe I should try them again. My kids will love the name, and I would exchange onion for one kid with garlic so he would eat it.

  10. Jenny, clever ideas to get your kids to eat it!
