
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Warming White Bean and Kale Soup

Here is a classic soup with my own twist on it.  For the kale, I used kale that was left over from the previous night's dinner, but you can certainly use fresh kale.  Also, I normally use fresh mushrooms, but I bought several cans worth at a discount store, so I put a can in; again, you can use fresh if you have them.  This hit the spot for me, and I hope it does for you too.

Warming White Bean and Kale Soup


1 pound white beans
Water to cover
2 russet potatoes, chopped
1 small can sliced mushrooms, drained, maybe six ounces?
1 pkg. SmartBacon, chopped
2 cups cooked kale, or 4 cups fresh, chopped
1 tsp. dried basil
Salt and pepper to taste


Sort the beans for grit and place in a large pot with water about three inches above the beans.  Cook on medium heat for two hours, adding water as needed, to keep the level at least two inches above the beans.  Stir occasionally.  Add the potatoes and cook for another fifteen minutes over medium heat.  Add the rest of the ingredients, and turn down the heat to medium low.  Cook for another fifteen minutes.  Hits the spot on a cold day. Feeds five hungry vegans.


  1. I think you should call it chowder — looks too hearty and delicious to be just called "soup." :)

  2. It does look nice & hearty! Sounds like a combo Mike & I would really enjoy. :)

  3. That looks amazing! I like the idea of adding kale to soup.

  4. Andrea, I guess I'm not confident enough in what separates a chowder from a soup or a stew to call one of my dishes that. I'll have to thoroughly investigate the definitions, and then perhaps, I'll have the courage to label one a chowder. Wish me luck!

    Molly, it was great. It would fill both of you guys up.

    Diane, oh, yes, it's always a great addition and filler, and tasty too!

  5. I think I have a can of Mushrooms in the pantry. Could this soup be calling my can's name?

  6. Oh, looks good! And this winter is lasting FOREVER, so it's perfect for soup.

  7. SV, ha ha! I think so!

    Stephanie, especially for you! Thinking of all your snow makes me shiver.

  8. oh that DOES sound warming and wonderful!
