
Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Mustard Win

Noelle from Opera Singer in the Kitchen had a giveaway a couple of weeks ago for gourmet mustard.  We had our choice of flavors if we were to win, and I just told her to surprise me.  Well, I won, and and she surprised me with three great flavors that arrived just a couple of days ago.  I'm definitely a classic yellow gal, but on the rare occasion I do venture out with Dijon.  Other than that, I'm not into trying a lot of different flavors, but I have to tell you: these were delicious!  So good.  I kept squeezing dollops on my finger to taste.  I received two flavors by Saucy Mama: Smoky Garlic and Tarragon Lemon, and a yellow one by Suzie's.  I made SmartDogs (and fries) for dinner, so we all could try them, and we all loved them.  I will definitely continue to use the the garlic and the tarragon flavors until they are gone.  Thank you, Noelle!  Be sure to check out her blog, if you are unfamiliar with her.

Left to right: Smoky Garlic, Tarragon Lemon and Yellow

Same order as above in my tri-cut dog.  Yummers!


  1. Congrats on your win! I think it's fun to try different flavors of a food I'm used to only one type of.

  2. I am going to have to get some smart dogs now! So glad you enjoyed the mustards. I need to try their other items now.

  3. Oh dear...this mustard post is infinitely safer than your loaded cinnamon rolls post, Blessed Mama. :-o

    I can't bring myself to look at it (much less post a comment there) for very long otherwise I know, I KNOW!!!! the photo & recipe will call my name in the middle of the night, luring me to get in the kitchen and bake a batch.

    Seeing as how I've been gluten-free since November, this would be a very bad idea! LOL

    Mustard...I will think about mustard...

    I wonder...does mustard come in cinnamon flavor? How about icing flavor? Aaaiiieeee!!!!!!

  4. Andrea, I've tried other mustard flavors but always gravitate back to yellow. These, however, have me sold on them for sure.

    Kelli, well put. :-)

    Noelle, they tasted great on the dogs. Thanks again for the giveaway!

    Super Earthling, is someone fanning you to cool you down? Did you know that my cinnamon rolls have long distance calling capability? Yipes!

  5. Congratulations on your win!

    I've never seen a Hot Dog cut in three pieces before. So dainty!

  6. S.V., Thank you! We've been continually enjoying the mustard. Dainty? Aw, shucks, thanks again!

  7. I am a huge mustard fan so lucky you!
