
Monday, October 10, 2011

Radical Rice Salad

I like to jazz up different ways to make salads, so they're not boring.  This is one way to do that, that I make several times a year.  The more goodies tossed in this particular salad, the better, in my opinion!  I threw together a veggie dish on the side that tasted way better than I anticipated, so I will post that easy recipe next.  Enjoy!

Radical Rice Salad


1 cup of uncooked brown rice, prepared according to package directions
3 cups fresh veggies - we used: broccoli florets, chopped small; carrot, grated; green onions, sliced; tomato, chopped
1 small can sliced black olives, drained
1/2 can quartered artichoke hearts in water
1/2 can garbanzos, drained
1/2 cup of your favorite salad dressing - I used a tangy French dressing
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper


Once rice is cooked, add it and all the rest of the ingredients into a large bowl and mix well.  Best served chilled but can be served at room temperature in a pinch.  If chilling, use non-breakable bowl before putting in refrigerator.  Stir before serving.  Serve with a side of sauteed veggies.  Feeds five hungry vegans well. 


  1. That looks soooo good, my children would love this! I will make it for them for sure. Thank you for sharing.
    Peace and Raw Health,

  2. THE OLIVES ARE BACK!!!! This means all is well (I was worried when the Lentil Recipe didn't include a single clove of Garlic).

  3. I am coming around to rice dishes, and this sounds pretty great. Love the olives addition. I'd probably throw in some red pepper too. Like you say, the more veggies you throw in the better!

  4. So will all/most of your kids eat this plate of food? If so, I don't know what you're talking about (picky-ness); that's a wide assortment.

  5. I used to make rice salads a lot, but seem to have forgotten about them. Thanks for the reminder — I've got some leftover rice in the fridge.

  6. Rice with salad dressing sounds so good! I imagine it soaks up the flavors nicely. I don't think I've ever made a rice salad...I must try this. I love the olives and artichokes in there...lots of goodies.

  7. Elizabeth, thank you. I hope they like it.

    S.V., never fear: olives and garlic are never far away from a serving dish somewhere in my house.

    FF, red peppers sound great!

    Jenny, they'll pick through and eat what they like. They all like something different, so if I have a variety, I know they'll be eating somethin'.

    Andrea, well better get tossin' that rice around!

    Rose, I think you'll like this - it offers up an endless variety of combinations.

  8. I should probably get better about going forth with a recipe like this and let picky #2 pick out his own dislikes. I cater too much.

  9. Looks like a healthy, tasty salad!
