
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Open-Faced Broiled Tomato and Cheese Sandwich

This was another sandwich born of opportunity, necessity and availability.  Hungry for lunch one day, I poked around, pulled out some simple ingredients and broiled a sandwich that we all appreciated.  Hope you do too, and enjoy it for dinner too sometimes.

Open-Faced Broiled Tomato and Cheese Sandwich


Several thick slices of bread - I used my Basic White Bread  
Vegenaise or Nayonnaise
2 or 3 fresh, ripe tomatoes, peeled if desired, sliced thickly
Salt and pepper to taste
At least 1 cup of Follow Your Heart Vegan Gourmet cheese, Mozzarella style, finely shredded


Place oven rack second from top and heat the top broiler.  On each slice of bread, spread the vegenaise (or nayonnaise) a little more thickly than usual.  Top with three to five slices of tomato.  Salt and pepper the tomatoes to your taste.  Top with a sprinkling of cheese.  Place all the slices on a cookie sheet, and broil for three or four minutes, until the cheese melts.  Serve immediately.  Feeds five hungry vegans.  Perfect for that nagging hunger question.


  1. yummy! i've been eating a lot of tomato sandwiches lately. usually with vegan mayo and sprouts, or with raw cashew cheeze. mmm, yours looks so good!

  2. Grilled tomato and cheese used to be a favorite of mine, especially in the summer when the garden tomatoes were abundant. There's that summer thing again. There's just not enough!

  3. I love grilled tomato & Daiya, but haven't had it in a while. Adding some Vegenaise would be so good!

  4. I used to love a simple tomato and cheese sandwich too - cheddar most often but this looks great as well.

  5. We eat plenty of bread pizza and cheese melted on toast, but this looks so much better with vegenaise added and using the broiler.

  6. S.V., not this time, girl.

    Kelli, thanks. Yours sound good, too.

    Andrea, fresh summer tomatoes are so perfect on bread, mmm.

    Molly, the vegenaise adds just the right amount of slurpiness.

    FF, cheddar would work great here, too!

    Jenny, sounds like you guys eat right up my aisle.

  7. mmmm...this sounds good. I've never tried a tomato sandwich this way. Tomatoes are going on my grocery list. :o)

  8. Looks like a sandwich I grew up with, but veganized!!!! Yum!!!!
    Just wish we had real tomatoes right now!
