
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Creamy Pumpkin Curry Soup

I've been trying to continue to come up with creative ways to use up my pumpkin puree, and I've never made a pumpkin soup before, so I thought I'd give it a try with the ingredients I had on hand.  It turned out pretty well, and I will make this again.  I'll keep you posted as I develop more pumpkin recipes - I've been working on some bars.  :-)

Creamy Pumpkin Curry Soup


1 Tbs. olive oil
1 red onion, chopped
4 cups of pumpkin puree
5 cups of vegetable broth
2 tsp. curry powder
1 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 cup soy milk
1/4 cup fresh basil, sliced thinly width wise
More basil for garnish, if desired


Heat oil in a large pot on medium heat.  Add the red onion, and cook for at least fifteen minutes, until caramelized.  Add the next six ingredients (pumpkin puree through pepper), and cook for a half hour.  Lower the heat to low, and add the soy milk and basil.  Cook for five more minutes.  Ladle into bowls, and add additional basil for garnish.  Simple and elegant.  Feeds five hungry vegans.


  1. I usually use butternut squash for pumpkin/squash soup, but this sounds like a nice idea! And I have a couple of jars of pumpkin puree in my new larder! (As featured in my blog! :)) Thanks for this tasty-sounding recipe. I'm going to try it out within the next couple of days! :o)


  2. Just love pumpkin anything!! See now that you have a Pumpkin Roll!!! YUM!

  3. I picked up a pumpkin the other day and have been making yummy meals too! This sounds lovely, I will have to try it with the other 3/4 of my pumpkin. Thank you.

  4. This sounds so good. Basil is an awesome late summer addition to a great fall food. I love how easy soup is!

  5. I do love pumpkin soup. Does the curry make it spicy? Do your kids like spicy foods? Mine have gotten a lot better with spicy foods the past year or so. It's weird, though, because one thing they will think is too spicy and something I think is too spicy for them, they'll eat up.

  6. You post the best recipes. I love that they're all so healthy & easy to make. Thank you!!

  7. Penny, you and your new larder! I hope you like the soup. :-)

    Get Skinny, I hope you enjoy the future pumpkin recipes I'm going to try and come up with.

    Kirsten, good for you! Hope you like it.

    FF, yes, I had both on hand, and they worked well together.

    Jenny, the curry does add a bit of a kick. If you want, you can always add less, or just leave it out. My girls can handle some spice now, but not JK.

    Molly, well, thank you! Sometimes, especially around birthday, they may not be as healthy... :-)

  8. This sounds like a great soup. I especially like how creamy it sounds from the pumpkin, without any coconut (or other) milk. Once it cools down, I think I'll be giving this a try!

  9. This looks like the perfect Pumpkin Soup recipe. Are you going to be stockpiling Pumpkin again this year?

  10. Hello! Could I sub almond milk for soy milk in this recipe?
