
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Buttermilk Chocolate Chip Chocolate Cupcakes

First off, I have to start this post by saying that something has gone strangely wrong with blogger for me. It no longer recognizes my html codes; they completely disappear no matter how many times I enter them in, so all spacing is messed up. Any spacing between lines you see, are lines that I've forced there. I also can no longer post my ingredients list single-spaced, only double-spaced. I've bolded different headings, to make it easier to read. I hope this is not going to be a problem for readers. This is highly frustrating for me.

Anyway, on with the recipe.
So good. That's what you'll think when you have one of these treasures. We had two birthday parties to go to recently, so I made these to bring along for us. When my children are invited to a birthday party, I always make a dessert for them to have, and I try to make it as yummy as possible, so they never feel left out. These were so good, I had a few, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. There are chocolate chips inside the cupcake, as well, so you are not left feeling as if you been chocolate-shortchanged.

Buttermilk Chocolate Chip Chocolate Cupcakes



2 and 1/4 cups soy milk

2 Tbs. lemon juice

2 cups vegan sugar

1 cup vegan margarine, softened

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 Tbs. EnerG Egg Replacer

4 Tbs. water

2 and 1/2 cups flour

1 cup cocoa

2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 pound bag of vegan chocolate chips (approx. 2 cups), divided


6 Tbs. vegan margarine, softened

2 and 2/3 cups powdered sugar

1/2 cup cocoa

1/3 cup soy milk

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract


For the batter: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line two cupcake pans with paper cupcake liners. In a small bowl, whisk together the soy milk and lemon juice, and set aside - this is your "buttermilk." In a large mixing bowl, cream together the margarine and sugar. Add the Egg Replacer and water and beat with a mixer, until blended. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt. Alternate beating in the dry ingredients and the soured soy milk into the sugared mixture on medium speed. With the last addition of your 'buttermilk," add in the vanilla.  Beat until thoroughly mixed. Add all but a half cup of the chocolate chips to the batter, and stir well with a spoon. Scoop out batter into paper liners, and fill at least two-thirds full. Bake for 25 minutes, or until toothpick inserted into a couple of them comes out clean. Cool completely on cooling racks.

For the frosting: In a large bowl, mash margarine really well, or beat it with a mixer. In a separate bowl, whisk sugar and cocoa together. Alternate beating in the sugared mixture and soy milk with the margarine. Start on slow speed and work your way up to medium. When completely mixed, add the vanilla, and beat for one minute longer. Spread on cupcakes. Top each cupcake with several chocolate chips. Makes about two dozen cupcakes. Feeds five hungry vegans for a few days. Yummers.


  1. These look good! I never liked chocolate cake until recently. Bookmarking so I can try them soon!

  2. These do sound awesome. Double the chocolate, double the fun.
    By the way, Blogger has been frustrating me recently too. If you write your posts in "Compose," considering typing them out in HTML mode - unless you already do that and then I can't help you. It's not a problem reading the recipes, as I'm sure a bunch of us will want to do no matter what, but I hope you figure it out if it's so frustrating for you.

  3. I sure wish I had some of those cupcakes on my birthday. :) I agree with FF..double the chocolate, double the fun! They sound delish!
    Don't feel bad about blogger. I have flare ups like that all the time. It's so aggravating.

  4. I could totally go for one of those right now! Your kids are very lucky to have such a great mom!

    Blogger gets wonky on me sometimes like that. I've found that if I go into design, edit html, then press "revert widget templates to fault", sometimes that will solve the problem I'm having. Not sure if it'll help with this, but it's worth a shot. Just make sure to save your html code in a document for backup, first. You shouldn't lose it (I never have), but you never know.

  5. These look like delicious cupcakes, and I hope your forced formatting wasn't too difficult! This recipe is worth it. I love fluffy chocolate cupcakes.

  6. I love this recipe! Thank you.

    Several people are having the same problems! I'm sure blogger will step up to the plate and fix this soon!

  7. wow...this is all I need before I go to bed...yummy.

  8. Thank you all for your comments and blogger encouragment. These cupcakes are really delicious, so I hope you all can get a chance to try them. If you do, let me know how you liked them! :-)

    As far as my blogging troubles, it doesn't matter if I write in Compose or html, my coding disappears. I'll have to investigate further Vegan Flower's advice. And, I'm glad to hear from Wild Magnolia that I'm not the only one going through this. Maybe blogger will fix it, who knows? I was close to throwing in the blogging towel, but I will keep working on it. Thanks also for the rest of you offering suggestions - I appreciate it.

  9. Another thing to try when blogger gets wonky, is to restart your computer. (You probably did this, but just in case you didn't, it's worth a try.) Every so often something awful happens and then everything is OK again. Sometimes copying and pasting the post into a new file, helps.

  10. These are so pretty M-!!!!!
    I wish I lived closer so I could eat one!!
    Hugs, B

  11. Thank you, Rose!

    Thanks, Andrea, for the tips. I did restart my computer, as I thought the same thing as you. Cutting and pasting doesn't work, either. I've tried it. Also, old posts that I go into are affected, so I can't even maneuver around in my own blog. :-(

    Thank you, Brandi!

  12. I've thought about bringing vegan cupcakes to bday gatherings at work, but never went through with it. I would feel you would need to bring enough for everyone, just in case. My coworkers really love eating those blue roses made of sugar.

  13. Oh, S.V., for my kids, I just bring enough for them. The others will already have cake. For other parties, I bring a couple of dozen to share. For your office, I think a half-dozen would be sufficient. One or two for you, and the rest to share. Just my advice. :-)
