
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our Newest Family Members...Arf, Arf!

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that last April our sweetie-boy doggie, Earl, died from terrible whip worms. He literally took his last breath in front of us while we were in the back yard with him. He was such a good doggie and was perfect with the children. We have all had a doggie-sized hole in our hearts since he passed away, and the girls have been wanting a dog ever since.

So, finally last week we picked up a couple of the cutest little sisters you ever saw! They are 3/4 Labrador Retriever and 1/4 Golden Retriever and were seven and half weeks old when we brought them home. They have brightened our lives. Instead of replacing Earl, they are a tribute to him because he was so special. They are officially the girls' puppies, so I can actually relax when they need to go outside or need to be fed. As Grandma Pup, I get to hold them and smooch them and then hand them over when there is a "duty" to be done with them. Very fun, indeed. I should say that the girls saved allowances and Christmas money to pay for these puppies; we just had to help GR a smidge, but that's it.

Before you see the pics, I start you off with this song from VeggieTales, Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen, sung by a contestant who wasn't picked, poor thing.

"Puppies are cuddly.
Puppies are cute.
They're never nasty or mean. Sniff (inhales deeply through one nostril)
I'd give a home to all the lost puppies,
If ever one day I were queen! Arf! (barks while eye twitches)"

On with the pictures!

Our sweet puppies, Abby and Mindy



SR with her puppy, Abby

GR with her puppy, Mindy
Just so you know, GR thinks her expression makes her look sad, but I think she looks fine!

All four girls!

JK and the pups bonding

Napping together

And they call it puppy love...

Thanks for checking out our new, darling family members. I'll keep you updated with "aw-worthy" pics.


  1. puleease keep us updated with aw worthies! although how could any NOT be? that sounds like a good mix,lab and golden. they are really cute(obviously, did you LOOK at those faces?). i dont think GR looks sad just calm and content.

    thats good that you get to be grandma:)

    the two of them sleeping together is perfect! glad you were able to snap that one!


  2. Awwwww I love Abby & Mindy. Yay for new furry babies! They will bring your house so much joy!

    Funny, I actually have that veggie tales. I bought it because it was only like, $3 at the store and I figured it was good to have in case my nephews or other children came over.

  3. AWE...puppy love!!! Your new grand pups are sooo adorable! That's cool that the pups are a tribute to Earl and not a replacement. Im my opinion, pets can never be replaced! I love the whole tribute idea!!!

  4. Thank you, Michelle (DD)! I had to read your comment out loud to GR to prove to her that she looked just fine. I liked how you said calm and content. That sleeping together shot is so cute! They sleep through anything.

    Carissa, thanks, they are soooo sweet. We love VeggieTales around here. :-)

    Michelle (LLV), thank you. Earl was so special, he can't be replaced.

  5. What a wonderful addition to your family, they are just darling!

  6. I would say GR looks smitten, not sad, and pleased to be holding her adorable new puppy. And they are adorable. I hope you can maintain the grandma status — in my experience it doesn't last long. But maybe your girls (the human ones) are more responsible than average. And they can't run off to school, so that helps. :D I'd say, lucky family and lucky pups — lots of love to spread around.

  7. Oh my, I do love puppies, and these are black beauties!

  8. Oh my they are so cute! I wish I could have a dog or cat but my allergies don't allow me to. Hugs to the new pooches.

  9. Congratulations on your newest family members! They are so adorable...beautiful, sweet little faces!

    I love the shots of GR and SR with their puppies, so great you have Grand Pup priviledges.

  10. Hard to believe, but I still think about Earl from time to time and was wondering when you were going to try and fill the hole he left in your hearts. Congrats on your new family members!

  11. Ahhhhhhh!!! Too cute, congrats :)

  12. Thank you, Janet. :-)

    I'll pass that on to GR, Andrea. And, yes, my girls are trapped with me all day, ha ha! So, they have no choice but to fulfill their duties.

    Thank you, Wild Magnolia.

    Thank you, Heather!

    Millie, yes, we suffer through our allergies to have cats, but it's hard.

    Rose, thank you! I love being a Grandma Pup, for sure!

    That's very sweet of you, S.V. He is always in our thoughts.

    Thank you, Sarah. :-)

  13. Those are awww worthy pics. I'm glad you were ready to open your home to some new pups - glad your kids are taking good care of them, new pets sure are a lot of work!

  14. Very cute puppies! We just got two wheaten terriers in October. I really like having two (most of the time)!

  15. aww, congrats on the new additions, they are adorable!

  16. Thanks, Jessica. It took time, even for me, but we were finally ready to get some doggies.

    Susan, thank you, and congratulations to you, too!

    Thank you, Sara!

  17. "Doggie sized hole in our hearts" - so sweet! They look so velvety. I'm glad you got two - so nice for them! Our dogs are sisters, too. And we have that Veggie Tales, too.

  18. hi BM. thanks for writing back to my earlier comment. i had a reader request? dont know if you take those:) but i was wondeing if you could show us an average dinner or lunch that you guys have over there?

  19. M- I just love your fur babies, such expressive faces! I can't wait to watch these girls grow! Congratulations on your new arrivals! xoxo

  20. Jenny, having a pair of sisters is fun. And, I've used the term "velvety" too!

    Michelle, that's funny - my first request! I'll tell you the truth: the recipes I show are really what we eat normally. Our lunches aren't very exciting. I either serve leftovers or sandwiches. Pretty basic stuff. On weekends sometimes I'll get creative, like my broiled avocado and cheese sandwiches.

    Hi, Brandi (Viv), thank you! I'll be sure to post pics occassionally.

  21. They are toooooo cute! I am sure that they will be well loved, and love you back!

    happy week-end


  22. Thank you, Alessandra. We do have lots of love flowing right now, that's for sure!
