
Monday, September 20, 2010

Sauteed Baby Bok Choy

I have a confession to make: I am in love with bok choy. I mean unreasonably in love, especially with baby bok choy - to the point where I become selfish with it and wished that no one else liked it, so I could eat it all by myself. I have a very large pan, but if I had a larger one, I'd cook even more baby bok choy in it at one time. As it is, I squeeze as many baby bok choys as I can in the pan over some olive oil, drizzle a couple of spices, do my bok choy wiggle, and gobble it up when it's done. Apparently, though, I need to have you all sign a waiver before you eat this dish. My husband, G, seems to like to gobble his up too, and while he was doing so one night, some bok choy slipped down his throat and got stuck. Apparently, he was making the universal choking sign (I was informed a few minutes later), but I didn't notice because I was too busy gorging on my bok choy. SR started hollering that Daddy was choking, but he was a grown man and all, and he's eaten his food way too fast on too many occasions where I've heard that familiar gakking sound. So, I didn't take this one seriously. When I did look up a few seconds later, a partially eaten/swallowed bok choy was being hacked up. Everyone seemed to blame me! I let him choke one time, one time, and the family thinks I don't care. Sheesh, it's not like it would have killed him, er, strike that. Eat at your own risk! Chew first thoroughly! You've been warned, people.

Bunches of baby bok choy cooking away.

Very innocent looking baby bok choy resting on a bed of quinoa.

Sauteed Baby Bok Choy


6 - 8 Baby Bok Choy, ends trimmed, halved lengthwise
2 Tbs. olive oil
Soy sauce
Garlic powder


Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat. Place the bok choy halves in the pan. Sprinkle garlic powder and drizzle soy sauce over them. Cook for about five minutes, then take tongs and turn them over. Again sprinkle garlic powder and drizzle some more soy sauce, and cook for another five minutes or so. Do one final flip to sear in the seasonings, and cook for another minute. Serve on a bed of grains. Feeds five hungry vegans.


  1. Oh i'm going to have to try this!

  2. That looks really good! I may have to try it. The only time I eat bok choy is when it's in a soup. lol

  3. Hi, Spunkysuzi and Stephanie,

    I think you'll both enjoy this dish. It's easy and tasty. :-)

  4. after so many years I am so grateful someone posted on how to cook Bok choy. I have never tasted it so I was always hesitante on buying it. I must try it now. Thanks sweety.

  5. I'm willing to try almost anything once, so I'm really glad you provided a photo with cooking instructions, or I wouldn't have recognized the stuff in the grocery store!! Oddly enough, my husband almost choked yesterday on some food (I forget what he was eating) while I had my back to him. Nobody would have noticed until he dropped to the floor, I suspect! I'm glad both guys managed to work the food out themelves :)

  6. Baby bok choy must be more dangerous than I thought. Maybe there should be a warning label or something. I love the stuff, too, but it can be a tad chewy and slippery, I guess. BTW, the most dangerous choking scene is when the choker is making no sound. If they're gagging, they will probably be OK. Glad everything came out all right. ;)

  7. Mmm I love bok choy too! Actually I have some in the fridge right now, haha. I love making mine as a quick dinner with some kale and brown rice. So good..I love that this recipe is simple because bok choy really is great alone, not much needed to enhance an already great taste!

  8. I've often loaded up on Whole Food's Bok Choy, but never made it myself.

    Shame on G for wasting a good piece of Bok Choy that you could've enjoyed.

  9. Millie and 99 to Go, I'm glad I could help with a recipe! There are many ways to prepare it, but this is a simple way that I really like. 99 - glad to hear your hubby's okay, too. :-)

    Andrea, if my husband would have actually slowed down, we could have all avoided this unnecessary scene! He actually was barely audible, just some involuntary gakking.

    Jacklyn, I love kale just about as much as bok choy - sounds like a great combo!

    S.V., I'm glad someone finally got to the point - that could have been MY bok choy, for me! :-)

  10. Your bok choy looks so good! Baby bok choy is one of the vegetables that are unreasonably expensive here (I guess because it has to be imported from far away) - but I'll have to keep my eyes open the next time I visit some of the Asian groceries. :) I usually substitute Napa cabbage for bok choy in recipes (for price and availability reasons), but the flavor or texture aren't quite the same...

  11. I've never cooked my own bok choy, but you've made it look and sound awfully enticing, even when you're describing it being hacked up...

  12. Glad your hubby survived the bok choy! Such a funny story. Sauteeing is my favorite way to eat bok choy, just made some this weekend in fact. My boyfriend was over for dinner, and he didn't much care for it, oh well, more for me!!

  13. I LOVE bok choy!!! I am very glad that G survived the bok choy choke! That stuff is a little chewy and slick. S.V. is too funny! :o)

  14. Yum, that looks and sounds great. I love bok choy too. I like Michelle's comment, and it made me think that maybe it should be called bok "chokey" lol. OK I know that was corny...I'm going now.

    Glad G is ok. :)

  15. I love bok choy so much! My friends read an article in the newspaper about a woman who went into a coma from being on an all bok choy diet. They always tease me and say that's going to happen to me one day. :D

  16. Seglare, sorry about the price where you are. Napa cabbage is delicious though!

    Jessica, I'm glad that despite the hacking, it still sounded good. :-)

    Sarah, maybe your boyfriend and G should eat together, so you and I can stuff our faces alone!

    Michelle, stop staring at my bok choy like that - you can't have any.

    Hmm, bok chokey, I like that. Just for G. Thanks, Rose!

    Hiya, Brenda! Welcome to my humble blog. Betty's got nothin' on you. :-)

    Katrina, Hey, I finally got out of that coma, okay! Why does everyone bring that up? I'm okay now, really.

    Carissa, yay, get some tonight!

  17. Your story is hilarious! (I mean, you know, of course I'm glad he's okay!) I've almost-choked so many times, I get aggravated at my husband when he doesn't take it seriously. My eyes are bulging, like call 911 already! - and he's so calm. :) I'm glad your bok choy makes you so happy, you don't notice anything else. I honestly can't remember if I've ever eaten bok choy! :0
