
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Soft Ginger Cookies and 4th of July, 2010 Part 2 with Pics

On my last post I mentioned that I made some delicious soft ginger cookies for dessert on the Fourth of July. These were so tasty and just light enough after a filling dinner to not let you feel painfully stuffed. They went along great with my mom's homemade soy strawberry ice cream. Some people's comments indicated that they think my parents are vegan, but actually they are just very supportive of me and my family's lifestyle. So, we are very blessed to have them in our lives and in family meals. Enjoy a couple of our family's holiday pictures and the recipe below.

Soft Ginger Cookies

Soft Ginger Cookies with my mom's homemade soy strawberry ice cream.

My parents, also known as Gamma or Grambo and Poppy, with 10 y.o. GR. Everything on the table was vegan except for my parents' burgers and mayonnaise.

Left to right: 12 y.o. SR, my husband, G, 3 y.o. JK, me 15 pounds lighter since I started my new food plan in May, and GR.

Soft Ginger Cookies


4 and 1/2 cups flour
4 tsp. ground ginger
2 tsp. baking soda
1 and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ground cloves
1/4 tsp. salt
1 and 1/2 cups shortening
2 and 3/4 cups raw sugar, divided
1 Tbs. egg replacer
4 Tbs. water
1/2 cup blackstrap molasses


Heat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, whisk together the first six ingredients (flour through salt). In a large bowl, cream together the shortening with two cups of the sugar on low with an electric mixer. Add the egg replacer, water and molasses, and beat on medium low until well mixed. Add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix with a wooden spoon. Sometimes at the end of mixing, I just take my hands and do a sort of knead to make sure the dough is thoroughly mixed. Put the rest of the sugar (3/4 cup) into a shallow bowl. Take heaping tablespoons of the cookie dough and shape into rough balls. Roll the balls in the sugar, trying to get some around each ball as much as possible. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet an inch apart and bake for 14 minutes. Place cookie sheet on cooling rack for five minutes before transferring the cookies to a large aluminum foil or wax paper sheet. Makes about 4 and 1/2 dozen warm and soft cookies that definitely feeds five hungry vegans and a couple of grandparents. Yum, yum.


  1. Oh I love soft cookies. These sound so good - maybe too good??? ;-)

  2. Hey! You're lookin' pretty hot! You should change the name of the blog to 'Hot Vegan Mama!'

  3. I copied the recipe for those great cookies...but you didn't put the oven's temperature...I'm thinking 360...Let me know I would like to make them for our family reunion in a couple weeks. 0x0x0x0x0

    I also opened a new hair blog...hope you can check it out.

  4. Hi, everyone!

    Heather, these are so good; my kids barely let them cool enough to eat them.

    Whoo hoo! Thanks, S.V. I'm trying, I'm trying.

    Millie, Please bake these at 350 degrees farenheit. Thank you! I hope your family likes them.

  5. thanks blessedmama...I'll let you know how they came out.

  6. Love those cookies! Blackstrap molasses is the best too! So nutritious. And strawberry ice cream? So jealous!

  7. You've lost 15 pounds since May? That's fabulous; way to go! That's really nice to be able to sit down to an almost vegan table with family.

  8. I have no idea what happened to my first comment, but suspect my husband was doing something with the router. I wanted to congratulate you again. Losing 15 pounds is amazing. I hope you are as thrilled as you should be. Great job!


  9. Thanks Blessedmama...I did figure out it was a 1/2 cup of molasses so I did add that to the recipe even before you let me know...thanks sweety.

  10. I adore ginger molasses cookies, and these ones look so soft and perfect. I haven't had any for years...thanks for the recipe because I think I need to remedy the lack of ginger cookies in my life!

    Cute pics of the family too. It's great that your folks are supportive; I'm sure it makes family meals that much more wonderful.

    Great job on the 15 pounds! Congrats! You look great.

  11. Hi, Carissa, my husband loves his blackstrap molasses. Don't be jealous; next time you're in Sac my mom will make you some. :-)

    Jenny, the first few pounds are always the easiest. I'm going to have to work harder to get the rest off. And, yes, I'm thankful that I get to have accomodating parents.

    Ali, thanks, I'm pretty happy.

    Happy to hear it, Millie.

  12. Hi, Rose, you must have been typing at the same time as me! Can't go wrong with cookies, that's what we think. And thanks for the congrats. :-)

  13. These cookies look so good! Almost as good as you do! :) Fifteen pounds? Wow! What's your eating plan? I want to try it! (Especially if it allows soft ginger cookies! :) )

  14. oh yum! i love ginger cookies SO MUCH! my mom used to always make them for us growing up.. and even tho i was a oatmeal and choc chip kid i definitely enjoyed a good ginger snap :)


  15. Soft cookies...yum! Congrats on your weight loss. Way to go! =)

  16. Well first off, WOW
    You and I are now officially hot mama vegans!!! LOL
    I love ginger cookies, and your 4th of July spread looks dynamite! I am making a ranch style pasta today that made me think of you!!

  17. Hi, Penny, It's called Vegan Weigh Down and it's put out by VegFamily online mag. The recipes are not really restrictive, it's just that they really focus on portion control. The cookie recipe isn't theirs, it's mine. But, I incorporate portion control when I'm eating off their plan.

    Kelsey, mother's cookies are always best!

    Fayinagirl, thank you, thank you. There's still more comin'.

  18. Hi, Brandi, post a pic, girl, and let us see you! I look forward to seeing that recipe later today.

  19. you look great!! 15 pounds! wow!!! that ice cream looks so pretty! what a great shade of pink. im hoping to buy a ice cream maker today at the store. cookies look yum :)

  20. M- I am not much of a picture girl. The pic I have on my blog is like 3 years old for pete's sake. I will tell you though, my hair is longer now. Maybe when I feel better (and look healthier) I will post a pic. I am pretty scary at the moment.

  21. Thanks, Michelle - I'm still working on more. Looking forward to seeing your ice cream creations.

    Brandi, I'm sure you don't look scary. But, I completely understand any hesitation to post pics, so only do it when you're ready. And then you can wow us! :-)
