
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Review: POM Juice

A little while ago, POM Juice sent me a box of sample pomegranate juices to try. What I liked right away about this company is that there was no expectation of a review. They just wanted me to try their product, and if I liked it, to post some recipes using it. Well, a homeschooling family on one income does not turn its nose up at free food! So, we were all very excited when our package came. I wasn't sure how pomegranate juice would be accepted by the children, since the last time we had it was a few years ago, and I think the flavor was just too strong for them. However, time and free juice changes perceptions, so please see the pictures with a review below.

We all liked the cute little bottles the juice came in. We received eight, and they are one cup each.

So, the big test would be the actual undiluted flavor of the juice. I was very surprised to see that my girls took to it. I think the small jars appealed to them just as much as the flavor did. Little JK was not impressed with the flavor. It was still strong for me, but I kept my mouth shut because I was just so happy to see my girls drink it down. G didn't have a juice; he just waited for the recipes.

Here are some POM-apple-flax muffins that I threw together. The recipe is nothing to write home about because the muffins came out chewy, but I don't think that can be attributed to the juice. As a matter of fact, the juice didn't have a real flavor impact on the muffins. We just all knew it was in there, so we felt healthy eating them.

Here is a POM smoothie that I made up in the blender: POM juice, a banana, a cup of frozen blueberries, soy protein powder, and ice. This was delish!

All in all, POM was a success in our home. With my children, I've come to realize that I can get them to eat things that they otherwise wouldn't have tried, if I put the food in a "cute" package somehow or presentation. I think the same was for POM. If I buy POM, I'm going to invest in these bottles. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking I should have saved them to refill - rats!

Anyways, good for your health and good for your taste buds, POM passes here.


  1. I still have not tried POM. I think I may be one of the very last bloggers out there who haven't.

  2. Hi, Heather, yes, I've seen it on other blogs, as well. They must be making the rounds, but that doesn't stop me from taking them, too. :-)

  3. Does it have added sugar or corn syrup in it, or is it all natural with organic cane sugar? I haven't tried it yet fearing it would be laced with bad stuff!!!

  4. I think it's completely natural, Brandi. I don't have a label anymore, but I think it's pure juice. Let me know if you try it.

  5. that's great, free stuff is always good. I never get anything for free but I sure wish those companies would send me some of their free foods to try...your muffins look so good...I imagine the kids enjoyed them.

  6. I've always like Pom, and the rest of the family does too. I have just wished they'd bottle it in glass...

  7. Millie, free stuff IS good, yes! The muffins were okay, just chewy.

    99 to Go, Yes, that's why I wish I had saved them to reuse.

  8. I love pomegranate juice. I actually like the pom. mixed with other flavors like blueberry better than straight pom. juice. It's one of my "treats" I get for myself occasionally when we are out shopping after a long day out. :)

  9. I am in love with those glasses!

  10. Jenny, good for you that you treat yourself - sometimes we moms can forget to do that.

    Carissa, really? Thanks - I just grabbed our clear ones to show off the drinks.

    S.V., in my single days, I would have tried the combo, but now I have no taste for alcohol. Too many years without it, I guess. But, I believe you, S.V.!

  11. I've seen POM in the store, but never bought it. The smoothie sure sounds good. BTW...the bottles are way too cute. I would probably have to keep them and find some use for them. :o)

  12. Hi, Michelle, I wish I had kept the bottles, too. :-)
