
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Chili Cheese Nachos

Tonight was another nacho night for the family. I love making variations of nachos, and this one sounded good to me. As usual, the corner of the nachos without cheese is for my oldest daughter who is not a fan of it. And as usual, we watched a movie while seated around the ottoman in the living room. Tonight's entertainment was "The Next Avengers," a superhero flick. This is an easy recipe - hope you like it.

Chili Cheese Nachos
A chili cheese nacho chip

Chili Cheese Nachos


1 tsp. olive oil
1 pkg. Smart Ground, Mexican Style
1 14 oz. can diced tomatoes
1 14.5 oz. can kidney beans, drained
1 30 oz. can pinto beans, drained
1 Tbs. chili powder
1 Tbs. ground cumin
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 and 1/2 cups Vegan Gourmet cheese, cheddar style, finely grated
Really big bag of corn tortilla chips


Make sure oven rack is in second position from the top. Preheat broiler. Then make a simple chili. In a large pot, heat the olive oil on medium heat. Add the Smart Ground and stir until heated through - don't burn. Add the rest of the ingredients except for the cheese and chips. Mix well and continue heating for about 20 minutes. In a large platter, put a few handfuls of chips to cover the bottom. Scoop the chili on top. Spread the cheese over that. Broil for about four minutes, or until the cheese is melted. Check to make sure it doesn't burn. Remove from oven, and surround the nachos with a ring of chips. Add a small garnish of chips in the middle. Have a large bowl handy with spare chips. Munch, munch, munch. Feeds five hungry vegans.


  1. Your nachos always look great! I still need to try your tofu version, but this bean version is also calling my name. I bet this would be amazing on a baked potato with broccoli too.


  2. Thank you, thank you. Yes, we also love chili on top of baked potatoes. Yummy.

  3. Gorgeous! I only eat nachos once a year -- on Super Bowl Sunday. They are so excellent.

  4. Thanks, S.V. We eat nachos probably a little too often... Have fun on Super Bowl. :)

  5. This looks like a delicious movie-time munchie!


  6. Yum, I love nachos! We wil have to try this one!

  7. Hi, Rose and Sarah! We love our family nacho night! Thanks for the comments. :)

  8. I haven't tried vegan shredded cheese from the store, but I'm very curious about it. This looks great! I had a nacho night last week myself, and I used Alicia's queso dip (quite excellent!).

  9. Hello! I didn't buy pre-shredded cheese. I shredded Vegan Gourmet. I will change that so it's more clear. Thanks for the compliment. I bet Alicia's dip was good - she's very talented. Have a great day.

  10. I love nachos too. They are a fast meal for nights I don't want to fuss in the kitchen. great photos.

    I used to bake mine on a cookie sheet and then transfer them to everyone's individual plate. I like your idea better. Now I'm only serving myself and use the microwave to melt the cheese.

  11. Hi, Susan! Thanks for stopping by. I like the family-style nachos because it gets us all close and cozy together. See you soon!

  12. Hello Blessed Mama! :D These look delicious! :D So good! Thank you for sharing your recipe! :D

    And thank you fro your comment on our blog recently! :) I so appreciated your encouragement! :) It meant so much to me! :) You actually inspired me to write a post about not being discouraged with our goals for the new year on our devotional blog we write with friends...

    My post will be up on Wednesday if you'd like to read it. :)

    Blessings to you and your family! And may it be a blessed and happy year for you all! :D
    ~Miss Rachel~

  13. Hi, Miss Rachel,

    I'm so glad I was able to encourage you! I will check out your post on Wednesday. Blessings.

  14. Hello again Blessed Mama! ;) Thanks so much for your reply! :D Actually, I do have a muffin recipe that looks just like the one pictured on our blog! :D If you'd like it, I could email it to you or something. :) Our email is if you you'd like I can send it to you. It's very easy and so yummy! :D

    There's sort of a picture of them here... without the cinn./sugar topping we put on it, as I appeared to be out of butter at the time. ;) HeHe! It has a sort of biscuity texture to it, but not quite...kind of in between a biscuit and muffin I guess...but it's still very moist and tasty! :) Very easy to mix up a batch for breakfast, you can make mixes to store for later use, and they freeze beautifully! :D

    Blessings in Christ!
    ~Miss Rachel~

  15. Sure, Miss Rachel, you can send me the muffin recipe. My e-mail is on my profile. I hope it won't offend you if I try and veganize it. If it turns out well doing that, I'll let you know. Have a great week.

  16. HeHe, nope, no problem! You can try it any way you'd like! :) It's a very versatile recipe and adapts well I think. ;) I'll send it to you soon! :D

    You have a great week too!
    ~Miss Rachel~

  17. Oh! Your nachos look so pretty and yummy! What a fantastic idea to have a nacho night! I believe my family would love this idea, thanks for sharing such a great recipe!

  18. Good morning, Oraphan. You're welcome. Hope they enjoy it.

  19. Does Vegan Gourmet cheese have caesin(sp?) in it?
    We can't consume any dairy in any of its stages. Just wondering.
    Have you ever tried Daiya?
    Peace & Raw Health,

  20. Plan to enjoy some of these during the watching of the Super Bowl, tomorrow.

  21. Elizabeth, Vegan Gourmet cheese is completely vegan.

    Don, great!
