
Monday, December 7, 2009

Macaroni Salad

This is a very simple, child-friendly dish. It takes just a few moments to make, and children will eat it up. My three blessings seem to like less rather than more ingredients in any given dish. The more things I add, the more I risk them not liking it. So, this has been received well.

Macaroni Salad


1 pound of small elbow noodles
2 large carrots, trimmed and diced small
4 celery stalks, trimmed and diced small
1 cup of Veganaise
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper


Cook noodles according to package directions. While the pasta is boiling, chop the carrots and celery. Drain the pasta and pour back into the pot. Add the carrots, celery, veganaise, salt and pepper. Stir thoroughly and pour into a serving bowl. Chill for at least two hours. Stir before serving. That's it! Serves at least five hungry vegans.


  1. I think all children like things a little less complicated. At least that seems to apply to all the little ones I know.

    If you want to try making your own vegan mayo. I have a recipe that I think is almost identical to the refrigerated vegan mayo you used. Since there are at least 3 versions of mayo on my blog, I should tell you the one you want is dated May 20, 2009. It comes together in under 5 minutes.

    talk to you later,

  2. Hi, thanks for the offer! I've tried to make mayo and other staples from recipes with hit and miss success, but I'll be sure to try yours. It's gotta be good because May 20th is my wedding anniversary. :)

  3. I agree, I too have had hit and miss sucess with things like that from other blogs. This version I think is darn close. Ricki @ Diets, Desserts and Dogs tried it not long ago and loved it so much she included it in her post about Waldord Salad. I think you will like it too. If you try it please let me know what you think I will be curious to hear your thoughts.

    Your wedding anniversary is three days after my birthday. May is a good month!

    talk to you soon,

  4. Yum! This Macaroni Salad looks so yummy! It does sound so quick and easy to make, it would be a good dish to serve my son and his hungry friends. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful recipe:)

  5. Thanks, Oraphan. I hope they like it!

  6. I've never tried veganaise, but have always wanted to. Now with all of this talk about the homemade version, maybe I should start there instead, yum!

    This salad definitely reminds me of summer, which is a nice reminder at the moment, while we are well on our way to the foot of snow that they promised us today in Chicago! :)

  7. Hi, O.V., Yes, I guess it is reminiscent of Summer. I hadn't thought of that. Let me know if you have luck with homemade mayos, as well. I like veganaise, but my younger daughter likes nayonaise, but I'm going to try Vegan Epicurean's recipe too. Hey, by the way, here in Sacramento we are experiencing a record low temp of 26 degrees! We have crunchy white grass! :)

  8. I would not have thought you would get temperatures that low in Sacramento. Sounds like your weather is much more variable than I realized.

    I hadn't thought of the summer thing either, but it makes sense. Since we eat salad all year long they are seasonless for me.

    Glad we aren't getting the foot the snow OV is getting in Chicago. I remember those days. Makes me shiver just thinking of it.


  9. Hi, Alicia, Yes we eat salads and soups year round, so you can't tell the seasons in our home by what we eat. :) My girls are so excited about our extreme frost that I'm giving them several minutes to frolic in it before we start school. They even tried to convince me to take the day off. They also told me that today is apparently National Cookie Day, so they are trying to use that to get the day off too. Nah, I'm just going to make cookies for them instead. Nice try though. It's funny how any extreme weather on either end makes people itch to do something different, even me.

  10. They need the day off for National Cookie Day..... lol. They are creative.


  11. This looks great. My 2 year old loves macaroni (he just says, "I want noodles"). What a great alternative, thanks for sharing!

  12. Your welcome, Tricia! Hope he likes it. And, Happy Birthday!

  13. Salad looks yummy! My sons also like noodles, but they eat them plan (they are wierd :-))

  14. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog, Syl! Welcome. This simple salad is yummy. Have a great week!

  15. That looks really, really good. I love macaroni salad but only make is occasionally. Thanks for the recipe.

  16. Thanks, Diane! I don't make it often either, but this one is such a cinch, I could make it more frequently.

  17. Hello Blessed Mama! :D Thank you soo much for stopping by our blog the other day and for leaving your sweet comment! :d So glad we could be an encouragement and a help to you and your girls in homeschooling and homemaking! That means so much to us! :D

    You recipes on here look fantastic! :D You wouldn't even know some of them were vegan unless you told them! ;D They look soo yummy! :D I may have to try some! ;) HeHe!

    God Bless!
    ~Miss Rachel~

  18. Hi, Rachel! I'd love for you to try some. Let me know if you do and how you liked them. Blessings to you!

  19. What a wonderful simple recipe. Thanks for sharing it!

  20. Thank you for visiting sjgourmet! I will be check back at your site, my daughter is and always has been a vegetarian. I would love some new recipes to try for her!

  21. Hi, Figtree and Sarah! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your comments. I hope your daughter likes some of my ideas, Sarah. :)
